Sunday, July 22, 2007

thesis deadline

July 19 and 20 are big dates for Kobe university students at GSICS.  Those of us expecting to graduate this fall have to submit our thesis on these dates.  The deadline was really on Friday, July 20. 
Thursday, July 19:  I came in early just to print the final version of my thesis.  Had some help from Rudy-kun and Tine-san, both students from Indonesia, in binding four copies of my thesis.  They even took pictures of us holding our copies.  Then, off to the admin office to deliver the bound copies and accomplish some forms.  After accomplishing everything, I went to the computer room and helped people with the margins, pagination and editing of their paper.  They still have a day to accomplish everything.  Went home with Melissa at 8:30 p.m.
Friday, July 20:  Planned to wash clothes, clean the dorm and cook some meals but I got a wake up call from Melissa reading aloud the portion of her acknowledgment where she specifically mentioned my name. My guilty conscience went on overdrive - hurriedly took a shower and then proceeded to the university with Manny, another Pinoy scholar from a different program.  We requested him to allow us to print Melissa thesis using the printer from the YLP room.  He even helped out in the editing.  Kai-san from Laos, helped in the binding.  After making sure that Melissa is downstairs submitting her bound thesis,  I found myself re-checking Kora-san's thesis with the rest of the students from Laos.  
Then, I realized that everybody really was helping out each other.  We all want to make sure that everybody in our batch submits on time.  Come to think of it, looking after your "kababayan" (countryman) is strong for us Asians.  All the Vietnamese, Indonesians, Laotians and us, Pinoys were there making sure that nobody misses the deadline. 

e-mails from my sensei

These are mails from Katayama sensei, my thesis adviser.  I thought of posting them here to remind myself that I have to work harder for my thesis defense and the concept paper that I have to submit to him this August.

RE: thesis submission
From: Yutaka KATAYAMA 
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:23:33 PM
Ma. Martina Robles (

Dear Martina,

      You are one of the best students I have ever had.


Re: thesis submission
From: Yutaka KATAYAMA 
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:18:07 PM
Ma. Martina Robles


Dear Martina,

   I trust you. You can submit the thesis any time now.


At 16:15 07/07/18, you wrote:

Dear Katayama sensei,

I met Mary for lunch yesterday and we discussed the incorporation of her comments and suggestions to my thesis draft.  We discussed in detail the phrasing of the research question and the hypothesis plus my explanations on her questions for chapters 4-5.  We also went over some typographical corrections and format of the final version of the thesis.  Attached are files of the latest draft with revisions from yesterday's meeting with Mary.

Sensei, since the deadline for the submission is on Friday, July 20, can I have your permission to start finalizing the paper on Thursday afternoon?  

Hope things are still going well even if you have a very busy schedule.



Monday, July 16, 2007

birthday wish

A friend sent me the usual birthday greeting e-mail.  He ended it by asking about my birthday wish.  That made me think about my birthday celebration last week.  It was raining hard as Japan was in the middle of a typhoon (soon after, an earthquake followed). 
The point is, my birthday celebration usually comes before or after major tragedies.  Even my grandmother, who raised me and acted as my surrogate mom, died two days after my 21st birthday.  The worst was 7 years ago - death came to a favorite relative exactly on the day of my birth.  I had a birthday wish then and I thought it will never come true.  Well 7 years after, it did - finally, I was celebrating my birthday on a Friday the 13th and I didn't feel like as if I was amidst some horror movie.  It went pretty ordinary - no fuss, no guest, no pressure - just those e-mails and phone calls.  I was also kinda happy that the rain and gloomy weather were still present.
The following day, I saw myself enjoying the cafe work.  I am actually getting to know some of the regular Japanese participants.  It felt like I was just conversing with friends.
Until, headlines come in again and there were the reports of deaths from the typhoon and the earthquake.  Still, for those 2 days - I got the birthday wish that I had 7 years ago, everything was perfect....