Saturday, December 16, 2006


life is about choices.

tonight the choice is between having my picture taken with the kobe luminarie as background or watching the last episode of tatta hitotsu no koi, starring kame.

of course kobe luminarie won, hands down!  i chose the luminarie with its dazzling showcase of lights and sounds, foodstalls that sell hotdog sticks and soba and just the idea of lining up with nearly the whole residents of kobe.

but i kept remembering kame's ntt docomo poster in sannomiya.  i should have stayed at home with kame....

Friday, December 15, 2006

saturday is wash-day

for years, saturday morning is the day of the week that i look forward to - it's wash day!  not the day for not wearing uniforms but the day for doing the laundry.

washing the laundry like washing the dishes is one of my comfort "tasks"  (like ice-cream and chocolates are my comfort foods - i also have comfort tasks).  when i feel depressed - i do the laundry or wash the dishes.  that's back in the philippines.  living here in japan, since 2005, i re-scheduled the laundry on sundays - after church so that all my stuff for two weeks would go for 4 or 5 loads - the towels, whites, colored, jeans, house wear and socks.  hmmmm....that's 6, special mention to socks - basically because during winter i get to use an awful lot.  fast-forward to winter 2006 at nada dorm - i have tadah - coin laundry - a total nightmare for a laundry enthusiast who scrimps her money.  i have to actually limit the number of loads and maximize the weight. 

i know, somebody is really smiling at me - this person, who happens to be my former housemate, got this state of the art fully automatic washing machine and dryer - all in one machine!  there's more - she got it for free and she doesn't have to go to the laundry room, she has the machine in her kitchen!!  last and what irritates me the most is she doesn't even care about her laundry - no schedule, no systematic loads and hates hand-wash. 

the silver lining?  i do my laundry in her house but she's back in the philippines, spending the holidays with her family so i have to use the coins - ehrr - coin laundry.

nodame cantabile

yup my first entry and it concerns tadah.... a jdorama.  i chanced upon this while watching the bistro smap portion of the smapxsmap variety show in channel 8.  lately i've been watching a lot of japanese tv.  for the longest time since coming back in japan late november - i got the colds.  it lasted 10 days - i mean, the runny nose stopped today so - i declared myself healed.  so for that duration of time and having no internet access - i read and read and read.  then, i watched and watched and watched.  i'll probably write another one about japanese tv, hmmmm.....
back to nodame cantabile and the bistro smap.  i mean, i only get 20% or 30% of the conversation but somehow, between the tissues, bottle of water and the irritating fumes coming out of the heater - i got hooked.
first because, i remember the lead girl - she was with kimura takuya in engine (another dorama i marathoned last summer over at youtube).  and the lead guy just darned looked familiar (then i remember he was the playboy with one love in last christmas - you guess it another dorama).  they also seem to have more fun savoring the dishes and interacting with the hosts (factors of  what i think comprise great entertainment)
the following week, i got to learn about this nodame cantabile (originally a manga) and as an obsessed and starting out to be-fan of the series searched dailymotion and youtube all over for it.  i got to watched the 9th episode last monday, of course live in channel 8 - before smap!
check it out - there are people who have uploaded 2 episodes with subs in youtube and dailymotion.